AI Consulting Services
— Predictive AI, Machine Learning, Generative AI

The first step to turning your AI concept into a functional product.

Let’s talk
Providing AI Consultancy for:
The World Bank logo
“After the workshop, Neoteric delivered a discovery map and a refined scope for an MVP. They put a lot of resources into understanding the concept, and they were very helpful in providing feedback and expertise on what functions the product should include.”

Manager, Interior Design Company

The AI Consultancy
You’re Looking For

Make better-informed decisions. Empower your team. Create hyper-personalized customer experiences. Gain competitive advantage.

Our AI workshops combine:

Strategy consulting
Tech consulting
Generative AI consulting
Machine Learning consulting

Looking for top artificial intelligence consultants?
Search no further.

Let’s talk your vision through

Experienced AI Consultants

Whatever goal you have in mind, our AI advisors will guide
you through your journey with AI and help you succeed.

Matt Kurleto
Matt Kurleto

An AI business consultant who will support you from use case development to AI implementation and growth.

Schedule a consultation with Matt
Łukasz Nowacki
Łukasz Nowacki

GenAI consultant who will help you look for competitive advantages and strengthen them using generative AI.

Schedule a consultation with Łukasz
Matt Paprocki
Matt Paprocki

An AI consultant who will help you find hypotheses with the greatest impact on your company strategy and goals, and evaluate them.

Schedule a consultation with Matt

AI strategy

AI is a tool that helps you execute your business strategy and achieve your goals.  That’s why, instead of focusing on what AI can do, we will focus on your strategy – and see how AI can supercharge it.

Your dominance

Because it’s not about competing with others. t’s about you taking the market over.

man trying to reach positive ROI
Forge strategic
business insights

And make better-informed business decisions.

two pieces of puzzles representing product-market fit on a personal level
Personalize customer experiences to perfection

To resonate with each individual like their soulmate.

from idea to implementation
Innovate boldly

And reach out to unattainable.

See how YOUR organization
can benefit from artificial intelligence.

Let’s talk

From AI consultancy to successful implementation

We support digital transformation from A to Z.

Gen AI turning customer interactions into actionable intelligence

Within just 8 months, we built a complex platform allowing companies to use customer interactions as a source of profound business insights.

See the study
Reducing customer churn by more than 20%

Thanks to implementing predictive models, our client improved customer offering and achieved more than 10x return on investment.

See case study
World Bank
10 weeks to build a course recommender system

An AI-based platform recommends the right courses to support employees’ development at one of the world’s biggest financial institutions.

See case study
More projects

A GPT-powered assistant streamlining the maintenance of manufacturing facilities,  an AI-powered MVP empowering supply chain risk managers, and accurate recommendations for business travelers. And there is more.

Explore our AI portfolio
Gen AI turning customer interactions into actionable intelligence

Within just 8 months, we built a complex platform allowing companies to use customer interactions as a source of profound business insights.

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See the study
Reducing customer churn by more than 20%

Thanks to implementing predictive models, our client improved customer offering and achieved more than 10x return on investment.

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See case study
World Bank
10 weeks to build a course recommender system

An AI-based platform recommends the right courses to support employees’ development at one of the world’s biggest financial institutions.

swipe for more
See case study
More projects

A GPT-powered assistant streamlining the maintenance of manufacturing facilities,  an AI-powered MVP empowering supply chain risk managers, and accurate recommendations for business travelers. And there is more.

swipe for more
Explore our AI portfolio

AI Consultancy
– Neoteric Way

You need less than 8 hours to develop a strategic plan for the AI implementation.

Quick introduction

First, we meet on an introductory call where we get to know each other, so we can recommend the perfect workshop formula.

Business context

At the workshop session, we will start with discussing and analyzing your business goals and pain points.


With our powers combined, ideas for AI implementation wil clarify. We will shortlist the ideas with the highest potential.

Use case analysis

We will analyze different AI adoption scenarios with chosen use case(s) for implementing AI in your organization.

Project roadmap

Finally, we will discuss the details: goals, methodology, recommended tech stack, costs, project timeline, and expected outcomes.

Custom report

You will get everything summarized in a concise report so you can get back to it anytime you need.

AI Consultancy at Your Fingertips

Now that you know what you need to take your first steps with AI adoption,
it’s your turn to act!Send us a message, and we will contact you back
to talk about your business case and assign the best AI consultants.

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Frequently Asked Questions about AI Consulting Services

Do I need artificial intelligence consulting?

If you are asking this question, then you will most likely benefit from AI consulting. A quick session with experts will help you clarify your ideas, dispel your doubts, and plan the AI implementation to maximize its success.

What does an AI consultant do?

An AI consultant helps you identify, validate, and choose the best use cases for AI implementation based on the deep analysis of your business needs and strategic goals, and then develops a plan for successful implementation.

What’s the outcome of the AI consultancy?

After the workshop, you will receive a comprehensive report outlining a proposed experiment plan for implementing generative AI in your organization. This plan will include goals, methodology, recommended tech stack (AI foundation models, etc.), team composition, project timeline, estimated costs, and expected outcomes.

Learn about other services offered by Neoteric

AI development services

Optimize internal processes or amaze your clients with custom AI-based products.

Generative AI development

Enter the new era of creativity & growth with the help of generative AI.

Web app

Get access to top web developers, kickstart your project & grow your product efficiently.

Read curated content from our AI consultants:

The Future of AI is Here: Potential GPT-4 Use Cases and Early Adopter Projects
Explore exciting GPT-4 use cases. Learn about early adopter projects and discover inspiring potential applications of this amazing AI model!...
How Much Does It Cost to Use GPT Models? GPT-3 Pricing Explained
Wondering how much does it cost to use GPT-3 in a commercial project? We checked it so you don't have to! See the results of our experiment....
5 Challenges of Generative AI Adoption
Discover the challenges of generative AI adoption: • Data security • Data privacy • IP infringements • Model biases and errors • And more....
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